
n. [an advance or preliminary view or sight]

  ex. 像是在電影院,等電影播放時,就會播放其他電影的preview。

v. [to view in advance]






adj. [coming before in time or order]

  ex. We had met on a previous occasion.

  ex. He was there the previous day. 他前一天還在那兒呢





n. [an animal hunted or captured by another for food]

  ex. The lion stalked its prey through the long grass. 那獅子在很深的草叢裡潛步逼近獵物

v.捕食 [to hunt or seize food by killing other animals]

  ex. The villagers were preyed on by bandit from the hills. 村民們受到山裡強盜搶劫.









v. [to dress (oneself), esp in fine clothes]





plume v.整理羽毛 n.大羽毛
preen v.整理羽毛=plume
primp v.過度打扮修飾








adj. [affectedly proper, precise, or formal]

  ps. If you go to the beach on spring break wearing a Victorian bathing costume, you're being prim.


c.f. trim

adj. [neat and in appearance]

v. [to put in good order, esp by cutting]










adj.最重要的; 主要的 [ most important; chief; main; fundamental]

  ex. Her prime concern is to protect the property. 她最為關心的是保護財產

  ex. prime minister (wiki: A prime minister is the most senior minister of cabinet in the executive branch of government in a parliamentary system.) 

adj. [of the best quality; excellent]

  ex. prime (cuts of) beef 上等牛肉

n. [state or time of greatest strength, beauty, vigour, etc]

  ex. be in the prime of life/youth


ps. Prime Number

from wiki: A natural number is called a prime number (or a prime) if it is bigger than one and has no divisors other than 1 and itself. For example, 5 is prime, since no number except 1 and 5 divides it. On the other hand, 6 is not a prime (it is composite), since 6 = 2 ‧ 3.

字源:1399, from L. primus  "first"

Arithmetical sense ( prime number ) is from 1570

Prime time  originally (1503) meant "spring time"









n.靈長目動物 [member of the most highly developed order of mammals that includes human beings, apes, monkeys]

n. [another name for archbishop]


字源:"high bishop," c.1200, from M.L. primas  "church primate," from L.L. adj. primas  "of the first rank, chief, principal," from primus  "first".

Meaning "biological order including monkeys and humans" is 1898, from Mod.L. Primates  (Linnæus), from pl. of L. primas  so called from supposedly being the "highest" order of mammals (originally also including bats). Hence, primatology  "the study of Primates" (1941).





adj. 原始的 [closely approximating an early ancestral type : little evolved]

  ex. primitive mammals

  ex. primitive man 原始人 

  ex.primitive weapons, eg bows and arrows, spears 原始的武器


adj. [ simple and unsophisticated, as if from an earlier period of history]








adj.原始狀態的; 未受損的 [fresh, clean, and unspoiled in its original condition]

 ex. his pristine new car

adj. [belonging to the earliest period ]

  ex. the hypothetical pristine lunar atmosphere

字源:1534, "pertaining to the earliest period, primitive, ancient,"  from L. pristinus  "former," from Old L. pri  "before."

Meaning "unspoiled, untouched, pure" is from 1899 (implied in pristinely ) but still regarded as ignorant in some circles.









principle    /ˈprin-sə-pəl/

n.原理; 原則 [basic general truth that underlies sth  ]

  wiki: Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Latin for "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", often referred to as simply the Principia, is a work in three books by Sir Isaac Newton, first published 5 July 1687.

  ex. uncertainty principle

n.行為的準則 [guiding rule for personal behavior]


字源:c.1380, "fundamental truth or proposition,"  from L. principium  (pl. principia ) "a beginning, first part" .

Meaning "origin, source" is attested from 1413.

Sense of "general rule of conduct" is from c.1532.

Used absolutely for (good or moral) principle  from 1653.





principal  /ˈprin-sə-pəl/

adj. 最重要的; 為首的; 主要的 [first in rank or importance; chief; main ]

  <> subordinate 次要的

  ex. The principal aim of the policy is to bring peace to the area. 該政策的主要目的是為給這一地區帶來和平

  wiki: principal axis

n. 校長、主要演員、委託人 [the head of a school, the starring actor in a film, and the client of an agent.]


字源:late 13c., from O.Fr. principal  (11c.), from L. principalis  "first in importance," from princeps  (prince).








n. [the condition of being prior; antecedence; precedence]

  ex. the top priority.

  ex. After the flood, finding a place to live became their first priority.

n. [the right of precedence over others]

  ex. Vehicles coming from the right have priority.





review (p.262)

superior adj.(地位等)較高的 <--> inferior adj.(地位等)低等的

exterior adj.外部的  <--> interior adj.內部的

prior adj.優先的